Old Sea Dog

Old Sea Dog
Jazz Hands - An old Intrepid

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Skid Kids 1953 Cycle track location

Opening scene from Skid Kids 1953. Location is Wyndham Road Camberwell.
The school is St Josephs Roman Catholic Primary School in Pitman Street. T
he school has not changed since 1953. The Statue of saint in oriel niche.

Skid Kids cycle track location is the car park (left side) and church of the school.

Skid Kids cycle track location at Wyndham Road Camberwell

Skid Kids cycle track location - look at this building in particular the
chimney stack and look at the film.

Skid Kids 1953 cycle track location - opposite St Josephs
RC Primary School in Pitman Street, Camberwell.

Skid Kids cycle track location in Pitman Street Camberwell

Skid Kids 1953 film cycle track location was opposite
St Joseph RC Primary School in Pitman Street, Camberwell

Skid Kids 1953 film - now photo of the block seen in opening scenes of film

Skid Kids 1953 film location, cycle track located opposite St Joseph RC
Primary School in Camberwell, Wyndham Road.

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